Thursday, August 5, 2010

doodle dump~

I'll post here as I fill this up~ 8>

hrm so- I'll be doodling my main DM ideas in a dump like this!

1. Kiddie! Gru 'cause I can't get enough of him ;;
2. Gru and Vector as kids (I KNOW THEY'RE NOT FROM THE SAME YEARS BUT IF. IF) so yah~
3. holycrap- YAY FOR BLOG~ time to get personallfffff. Damn I get emotional with remembering things and stuff BC in which I throw advice to everyone to move one and stuff. So- this made my heart cringe to the point I asked my dad if he gets emotional in his readings. Just to make sure I'm not being a wuss, hurhurbutIamjdejfhef. Anywho! Gru looking at this old space helmet. I guess..this would fit when he's choosing between the girls' recital or his mission to the mooon~ Glad it didn't because it would've been random >8C but y'anno.
4. RAINICORNNNNNNN I blame Sugar for any silly crossovers 8I

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